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[釣具] rods rack

ZALTYJ 發表於 29/3/2011 11:43:11 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 美國
Awesome arsenal!! bass guy!
I am a bass lover too!! which states are you in? I am in va.
nice meeting you!=P
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 樓主| gto2005 發表於 29/3/2011 12:04:13 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 加拿大
本帖最後由 gto2005 於 2011-3-29 12:24 編輯

i'm from canada, lucky u eh. everything is cheaper in the states, i order most of my gears from the states too !! matter of fact, i just ordered a zillion type r from the states last week. cant wait to try that thing out !!
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